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اسم الکتاب : مسائل المنتخبه (Articles Of Islamic Acts) المؤلف : الخوئي، السيد أبوالقاسم    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 479
2286. IF a person, who is indebted and cannot repay his debt, can do some business, it is obligatory for him to engage himself in business and repay the debt.
2287. If a person cannot approach his creditor and does not i hope to find him, he should pay the amount of the debt to a pauper on behalf of the creditor. And onthe basis of precaution he should obtain permission in this behalf from the religious Head. And if his creditor is not a Sayyid the recommended precaution is that he shouldnot give his debt to a pauper who is a Sayyid.
2288. If the property of a dead person does not exceed the obligatory expenses of his shrouding, burial and payment of debt, his property should be utilized forthese purposes and his heir does not get anything.
2289. If a person takes loan consisting of a quantity of gold and silver money, and then its price falls it is sufficient if he gives the same quantity which he hadtaken and if its price rises he must give the same quantity which he had taken. However, in either case there is no harm if the debtor and the creditor mutually agree to someother arrangement.
2290. IF the property taken on loan has not perished, and its owner demands it, the recommended precaution is that the debtor should return him the original property.
2291. If a person who advances a loan imposes a condition that he will take back more than what he gives For example, he gives 3 kilos of wheat and stipulates that he will take back 31/2 kilos of wheat or gives ten eggs and says that he will take back eleven eggs it is interest, which is unlawful. Rather, if he stipulates that the debtor should do some work for him or return the thing taken on loan along with a quantity of another commodity (for example, if he lays down the condition that the debtor will return $ 2 taken by him on loan along with a match box) it is interest and is unlawful. Furthermore, if he stipulates
اسم الکتاب : مسائل المنتخبه (Articles Of Islamic Acts) المؤلف : الخوئي، السيد أبوالقاسم    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 479
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