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اسم الکتاب : مسائل المنتخبه (Articles Of Islamic Acts) المؤلف : الخوئي، السيد أبوالقاسم    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 247
connection with ablutions. Similarly if blood is discharged from the body of a mustahiza (a woman in her undue menses) while she is offering prayers, her prayers will not become void if she acts upon the orders relating to istihaza.
1136. If a person sleeps involuntarily and does not know whether he slept while he was offering prayers or afterwards, he should offer his prayers again.
1137. If a person knows that he slept voluntarily and doubts whether he slept after the prayers, or forgot during the prayers that he was engaged in prayers andwent to sleep. his prayers is in order.
1138. If a person wakes up in the state of prostration and doubts whether he is in the prostration of the prayers or in the prostration for thanksgiving, and ii heknows that he slept involuntarily he should offer that prayers again. And if he slept intentionally and it is probable that he slept during the prostration of prayers onaccount of carelessness his prayers is in order.
Third If a person holds his hands with the intention that it is a part of the prayers, his prayers will be nullified by doing so. In case, however, he does not do so withthis intention. but only as a mark of respect, he should, on the basis of obligatory pre- caution. reoffer the prayers.
1139. There is no harm ii a person places his hands on each other on account of forgetfulness, helplessness, taqayyah (dissimulation), or for some other purposee.g. to scratch.
Fourth The fourth thing which nullifies prayers is that one says Amin without the intention of supplication, or considers it to be a part of prayers. In case. however. heutters this word only with the intention of supplication, or by mistake, or by way of taqayyah his prayers does not become void.
Fifth The fifth thing which nullifies prayers is that a person keeps his back whether intentionally or by mistake, towards Qibla or may move towards the right or left sideof Qibla.
اسم الکتاب : مسائل المنتخبه (Articles Of Islamic Acts) المؤلف : الخوئي، السيد أبوالقاسم    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 247
   ««الصفحة الأولى    «الصفحة السابقة
   الجزء :
الصفحة التالیة»    الصفحة الأخيرة»»   
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   الجزء :
بعدی»    آخر»»   
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