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اسم الکتاب : حديث اسلامى، خاستگاه ها و سير تطور المؤلف : موتسكى، هارالد    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 72

Ess, Josef van. Zwischen IadD


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فصل اول در اين كتاب).

Goldziher, Ignaz." IadDth und Neues Test ament", in his Muhammed anische Studien, II, 283- 004.

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Hallaq, Wael B." The Authent icity of Prophetic IadDth: a Pseudo- Problem", Studia Islamica( 9991 )57- 09.

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Motzki, Harald. Die Anfange islamischer Jurisprudenz. Ihre Entwicklung in Mekka bis zur Mitte des 2./ 8. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart, 1991; English translation: The Origins of Islamic Jurisprudence: Meccan Figh before the Classical Schools, trans. Marion Katz. Leiden, 2002.

Motzki, Harald." The MuOannaf of Abd al- RazzAq al-


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فصل پانزدهم در همين كتاب).

Motzki, Harald." Der Figh des ZuhrD: die Quellenprob lematik", Der Islam 86( 1991 ), 1- 44. English translation:" The Jurisprud ence of Ibn

ئ‌ihAb az -ZuhrD :a Source -Critical Study )"

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Motzki, Harald." The Question of the Authent icity of Muslim Traditions Reconsidered: a Review Article", in Herbert Berg, ed., Method and Theory in the Study of Islamic Origins( Leiden, 3002 ), 112- 75.

Noldeke, Theodor." Zur tendenziosen Gestaltung der Urgeschichte des Islam's", Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenland ischen Gesellschaft 25( 8981 ), 61- 33.

Powers, David." The Will of Sad b. AbD. WaqqAs: a Reassessment", Studia Islamica 85( 3891 ), 33- 35.

Powers, David. Studies in QurAn and IadDth: the Formation of the Islamic Law of Inheritance, Berkeley, 6891.

اسم الکتاب : حديث اسلامى، خاستگاه ها و سير تطور المؤلف : موتسكى، هارالد    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 72
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