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اسم الکتاب : This Is My Faith المؤلف : Al-fatlawi, Ali    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 348

attend their funerals and always be first for doing good as you are more deserving for it. By God, devotions to the Almighty Allah are greater to Him when they are done covertly. When he was asked about what ‘covertly’ refers to, he said, ‘The Secrecy’ (Taqiyeh)”.

C – Sheikh Al-Ansari – God bless his soul – said: “To talk about it from a religious perspective, Taqiyeh can be divided into five types:

A religious duty: when it is to push away all forms of serious damages; examples in this regard are numerous.

A desirable act: when it is to protect yourself on condition that you refrain from it gradually like when you comply with other people.

An allowable act: when whether you protect yourself or not would have the same result like showing disbelieving acts; it is reported that once two people from Kufa were ordered to curse Amir Al-Mu’menin (PBUH).

A repulsive act: when it is rather take the damage than practicing it; showing disbelieving acts is an example as

اسم الکتاب : This Is My Faith المؤلف : Al-fatlawi, Ali    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 348
   ««الصفحة الأولى    «الصفحة السابقة
   الجزء :
الصفحة التالیة»    الصفحة الأخيرة»»   
   ««اول    «قبلی
   الجزء :
بعدی»    آخر»»   
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