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اسم الکتاب : زندگى تحت توفيقات اصول اخلاق المؤلف : مكارم شيرازى، ناصر    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 96

forgiveness, and or no damage is practically made to the prestigeand reputation of slandered person, asking pardon of God may be sufficient.

Exceptions of slander

The jurists and ethics scholars agree that there are somecases in which slander is permitted, but they have some dissidence in specifying those cases. This dissidence is sometimes in mentioning the examples and senses, without any difference in the basis of matter, but sometimes it has a spiritual and real aspect.

However, it is concluded from different proofs anddocuments that slander is permitted in two cases:

a- When there is a more important interest, in which slander, while observing the subject is permitted and there are varioussenses for it:

1- In case of consultation, for example when someone wantsto transact or participate or marry with the other, and isquestioning us. Obviously, it is permitted to reveal hidden faultsof the other party as far as they are concerned with the saidaffair, and relieve the one who seeks consult from the possiblerisks.

2- In case of forbid of wrong 3- In case of averting innovation of an innovator 4- In case of warning a Moslem about the risk and losswhich is awaiting him( though without any consultation )

5- Petition and removal of injustice and restoring rightAnd in general all cases in which the interest of revealingone's hidden fault is more than its vice in view of religion.

The reason for exception of these subjects is clear, because it

اسم الکتاب : زندگى تحت توفيقات اصول اخلاق المؤلف : مكارم شيرازى، ناصر    الجزء : 1  صفحة : 96
   ««الصفحة الأولى    «الصفحة السابقة
   الجزء :
الصفحة التالیة»    الصفحة الأخيرة»»   
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   الجزء :
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